Chiropractic and Fibromyalgia

Posted on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 9:32 AM

If you don’t know what “fibro” is, it is a condition characterized by some nasty, chronic symptoms that include fatigue and continuous radiating or shooting pain or burning muscle, tendon and joint pain. Sufferers also endure tender points on the neck, shoulders, chest, rib cage, lower back, thighs, knees, elbows and buttocks, along with increased sensitivity to pain, heat, cold, tough and bright lights. Fibro also brings sleeplessness, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and “brain fog,” depression and anxiety. Pretty rotten line up, wouldn’t you say? And doctors don’t have a cure. They treat mainly with medication to mask the symptoms.
Now for the good news! I can help! Chiropractic has been show to significantly enhance the wellbeing of individuals with fibromyalgia. One study of 15 women who started chiropractic care showed that nine women had a 50% reduction in their pain symptoms, less fatigue and improved sleep quality, and the improvement continued one month afterward. I have multiple patients who have benefited greatly from adjustments and traction. One patient said, “I had so much pain, I could barely sit at my desk during the day. Now I can do my work without pain, and there is a dramatic drop in my neck pain.”
If you, or someone you know, is suffering from fibromyalgia, come and see me, or recommend a visit. You may find that chiropractic will make a tremendous difference in your quality of life.

Until next time,

Dr. Sarah

Data cited from Tedd Koren DC,


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