Pop Quiz: Is Your Work Space Ergonomically Up-to-Snuff?

Posted on Monday, March 18, 2013 at 10:01 AM

I. YOUR EQUIPMENT May Need Adjusting If You Answer “NO” to the Following Questions:
• Can you avoid bending you neck and/or hunching shoulders to hold your phone?
• Is your eye level aligned with the top edge of the computer screen?
• Are your wrists aligned in a neutral posture as you work?
• When you work, is your elbow at about 90 degrees?
• Are you able to view your screen without tipping your head either forward or backward?
• Can you easily view you computer screen or documents without leaning forward?
• Are your shoulders relaxed and your arms down by your side as you use your keyboard/mouse?
• Can you sit all the way back in your chair without pressure against the back of your knees?
• Are the screen contrast and brightness set correctly your visual comfort?
• If you wear bifocals, do you have special glasses for computer work?
• Are you feet supported by the floor or a footrest?
• Does you chair provide good lumbar support?
• Is the copyholder right next to your screen and at the same height and distance from your eyes?

II. YOUR WORK HABITS May Need Modifications If You Answer “NO” to Any of These Questions:
• Are you able to intersperse non-computer work) filing, copying, etc. with our computer work?
• Do your take “micro-breaks” to stand up, stretch, and focus your eyes on something far away?

III. YOUR WORK ENVIRONMENT May Need Adjustments If You Answer “NO” to Any of These Questions:
• Is your work are free of any sharp edges against your forearm or wrist?
• Can you reach frequently used items (mouse, files, coffee mug, etc) without stretching?
• Is the screen free of any glare (reflections, white spots) from your work environment?

Working in a perfectly ergonomic environment is seldom possible, but it is wise to be aware of the things that you can change. For those things that still cause stress on your body, chiropractic can help! I see people everyday with issues related to a poor ergonomic environment. Chiropractic care makes a huge difference in their quality of life at work, and of course, in their overall health. Call me today if you feel like work is a “pain in your neck.” I can help!

Until next time,

Dr, Sarah

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